If you’re an extension agent, university researcher, or nonprofit/NGO running or wanting to run collaborative variety trials then SeedLinked is the optimum solution to reduce cost while boosting the impact of your program. From easier logistics to live results that are easy to share at the end of the growing season, our collaborative variety trialing software is the perfect solution for managing data and participants in trials.
We’ve helped institutions and seed companies run over 580 trials with 49K plots at 5,500 grower sites across North America. SeedLinked Collaborative Variety Trials have characterized over 1,400 vegetable varieties across 40+ crops for both agronomic and flavor traits.
Our team can work with you on grants, help consult on trial design, and even take on the entire management of trials. We even have affordable software packages designed specifically for universities and extension programs.
SeedLinked Trialing Services for Universities, Extension Agents, and Nonprofits:
Have SeedLinked Manage YourCollaborative VarietyTrials – You set the varieties; number, region, and type of growers; select traits; and we run the trial for you. We return all trial data, comments, and images. This option is perfect for groups running collaborative variety trials as part of grant programs.
SeedLinked Collaborative Trial Manager Software Subscription – Gain access to our innovative trial management software and discover the power of SeedLinked Collaborative Variety Trials. Great for larger organizations and universities/NPOs that have staff to manage trials.
SeedLinked Collaborative Trial Manager Software Features
The following institutions and organizations currently use our Trial Management Software to manage their variety trials: