Co-Founder & CEO

Nicolas Enjalbert brings a broad vision and passion for what is possible in the seed industry founded on his years of private sector plant breeding in multinational seed companies in Europe and the United States. His expertise in data architecture, crop modeling, fundamental breeding techniques and participatory breeding strategies coupled with management and plant breeding program development find full expression in his continuing work and development of SeedLinked.

Julie Dawson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with extensive experience in participatory and organic plant breeding. She leads the Seed to Kitchen Collaborative in Wisconsin, which tests vegetable varieties suited to organic and diversified agricultural systems for superior flavor, market characteristics, and agronomic performance. Her research includes developing better methodologies for participatory plant breeding, vegetable variety trialing, flavor evaluation and using genetic resources in plant breeding.

Jacob van Etten brings together insights and methods from social, environmental, and plant sciences, in the study of plant genetic resources and agricultural systems. He develops quantitative and geospatial methods to study crop diversity and environmental change. Jacob’s specific interests lie in using information and communication technology in farmer-participatory crop improvement to speed adaptation to climate change.